Thursday, May 1, 2008

Each member of my family has a divine role.

May 2008, Talk #2

Each person has an important place in his or her family.
Through prophets the Lord has explained how fathers,
mothers, and children should behave and feel toward one

Each of us need to learn what the Lord expects us to do to fulfill our purpose as a family. If we all do our part, we will be able to live together as a family forever.

Some families have a mother, a father and children. Other families do not. Not all families are the same, and that is OK.

Mothers and fathers have certain responsibilities within the family. They should be examples to their children and teach them right from wrong.

It is the duty of the father to provide for the physical needs of the family. This means that he makes sure that all members of his family have the necessary food, housing, clothing and education. The father is also responsible for bringing the blessings of the priesthood to family members.

Mothers have the sacred responsibility to care for and teach her children. She also helps to make the home a warm and loving place to be.

As members of families children have responsibilities too. Children share the responsibility of building a happy home with their parents. Children should obey the commandments and cooperate with other family members. Children are commanded to honor their parents.

President Spencer W. Kimball said that children should learn
to work and to share responsibilities in the home and yard.
They should be given assignments to keep the house neat and

When each member of a family understands their role and accepts the responsibilities that come along with it, our homes can be happy and cheerful places where the spirit of the Lord can dwell.

I am very thankful for my family. I am thankful that we have prophets who have taught us about our responsibilities as members of families. I love my family and I know that if we all do our part we can be together forever.

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