Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Jesus Created A World...

January 2008, Talk #4

In the beginning, Heavenly Father asked his son Jesus Christ to create a place for his Spirit Children to live. Jesus Christ, under the direction of Heavenly Father created the Earth. It took 6 days.

On the first day, Jesus divided light from the darkness creating day and night.

On the second day, he organized Heaven and Earth.

On the third day, he divided the land from the water and created all of the plants including trees, flowers, grasses, vegetables, and fruit.

On the fourth day, he created the sun, moon and stars.

On the fifth day, he created fish and birds.

On the sixth day, Jesus created the animals. Then Heavenly Father created man "in his 0wn image". This means that our bodies look like Heavenly Father's.

Adam and Eve were the first people on this earth. They were our first parents.

I am very thankful to have such a beautiful earth to live on. I know that It was created for me. I am thankful for the sunshine that keeps me warm and the plants that give me food. I am thankful for a Heavenly Father that loves me and wants me to be happy.

Heavenly Father Gave Me Agency

January 2008, Talk #3

Every day we make choices. We might choose what to wear or what to have for breakfast. We choose what to say, what to read, what to watch and how we act. We choose how we will treat others.

The ability to make choices is called Agency. This is a very special gift from Heavenly Father. Without agency we would not be able to make our own choices.

In primary we often see the letters "CTR" they stand for "Choose the Right". Choosing the right is what agency is all about. Heavenly Father wants us to decide on our own if we are going to obey his commandments and follow His plan.

Heavenly father knew that it would be hard for us to make some choices. He knows that Satan will try to trick us.

We have been given some special tools to help us use our agency to choose the right.

Jesus Christ is our older brother and he is a perfect example. When we are faced with a choice we can always ask the question "What would Jesus do?"

Another tool that we have been given is the Holy Ghost. After you are baptized and have promised Heavenly Father that you will obey his commandments, he promises you the gift of the Holy Ghost. The holy ghost will bless you with peace when you choose the right.

We are also blessed to have people around us that love us and want to help us make the right decisions. Our parents, grandparents, primary teachers, brothers and sisters, the Bishop and even the Prophet can all offer us help and advice when we need it.

I'm glad that Heavenly Father trusts me and knows that I can choose the right. I am thankful for agency. I know that it is part of Heavenly Father's plan.

I Chose Heavenly Father's Plan

January 2008, Talk #2

Before we were born we were invited to a big meeting in heaven where we learned about Heavenly Father's plan. We learned that the earth would be created and that it would be a place where we could come and have physical bodies.

Part of Heavenly Father's plan was for us to learn to choose between right and wrong. He knew that we would sometimes make mistakes and that someone would have to pay for them. He chose Jesus Christ to be our Savior. Jesus would give his own life to pay for our sins so that we could return to live with Heavenly Father after our earth life.

There was another spirit person there who wanted to take away our agency and force us all to follow him. That was Lucifer, or Satan. He didn’t want to follow Heavenly Father’s plan—he wanted his own plan.

Everyone who is here on earth decided to follow Heavenly Father's plan. Each of us has been given a body to take care of while we live on earth.

When we left our pre-earth life, Heavenly father placed something called a veil across our minds so that we would not remember what had happened before we were born. That way, we could learn to have faith in Him and Jesus Christ, to control our minds and our bodies, and to obey the commandments and choose the right.

I know that I chose the right plan before I came to earth. I know that if I continue to Choose the Right that I can return to live with Heavenly Father again. I know that Jesus Christ is our savior and that he died for our sins.

I Am a Child of God

January 2008 - Talk #1

I am a child of god. I have a Father in Heaven who loves me He wants me to be happy, and wants me to return to live with him again someday.

Before we were born, we lived with Heavenly Father. The place we lived before we were born is called the Pre-Mortal World. We came to this earth to get a body and to be tested.

Each of us were created in the image of Heavenly Father. This means that Heavenly Father's body looks like ours.

President Gordon B. Hinckley has said: "Never forget, my dear young friends, that you really are a child of God... He loves [you] and desires to help and bless. May life be kind to you, for you are indeed a child of God.

Just like our parents on earth, our Heavenly Father wants us to make good choices. Before we came to earth, we ma
de the choice to follow Heavenly Father's plan instead of Satan's. We decided that we wanted to receive a body and come to earth.

I know that I have a Father in Heaven. I know that he loves me and I know that I was created in his likeness. I know that if I continue to make good choices, I can live with Heavenly Father again one day
